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Walvis Bay Gymnasium Preschool

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Early drop-off times

We accommodate working parents with a challenging commute by opening early in the morning. Children are welcomed by their teachers or teacher’s assistants and enjoy some free play before the preschool programme starts later on.


Teachers have assistants

Our classes are divided by age and each teacher has one or more assistants, depending on the group and the number of children in the class. This ensures that each child gets the care and attention they need, and that they can optimally benefit from our preschool programme.


Teachers have first-aid training

Children wholeheartedly run, play, climb, and jump, which may sometimes lead to minor bumps and bruises. This is why our teachers are trained in first aid. Please note that national regulations prohibit teachers from dispensing any medicine, even over-the-counter or herbal tonics, without a valid prescription signed by a medical doctor. Therefore, when a child needs medicine during the day, our first-aid officers dispense medicine in class only if a valid prescription is provided.


Adjustment reports and daily communication with parents

Our teachers form close relationships with each child, which allows them to know the individual adjustment and progress of your child. At the end of each term, we issue an adjustment or progress report, and have a one-on-one with each parent. Your child’s day is also recorded in a communication book, which is sent home each day. This includes meals eaten, drinks consumed, naps taken, emotional state, and more.


Indoor and outdoor play areas

Children learn by interacting with the world around them. That is why our preschool classrooms themselves are considered to be inanimate teachers of sorts. They are designed to allow maximum room for play and movement while being stimulating on a visual and tactile level. By involving the classroom in the learning experience, your child is engaged in early childhood development even when simply enjoying some lounge time with their friends.

Our outdoor play areas include jungle gyms, playhouses, sea-saws, motor development play area, sand pits, and water pits. These areas are designed to encourage physical play, and generally have synthetic grass to prevent allergic reactions. Additional safety measures are taken on particularly sunny days.


Representative Parent Committee (RPC)

We encourage parents to play a role in managing our school through a duly-elected Representative Parent Committee (RPC). As the name indicates, the RPC’s role is strictly to represent parents and to provide advice – they do not make and enforce decisions regarding school matters. The committee comprises of parents of current learners. Our RPC acts as liaison between the school and parents, raises funds through specific events throughout the year and hosts social and fellowship events. Through the RPC, parents can share their input in a structured manner to the benefit of the children and school; as a community they can, therefore, be involved in the operational success of the school.


Arrange a tour

Walvis Bay Gymnasium has a preschool in Erongo region, Namibia, that provides high-quality early childhood development for children from 3 years to Grade R. Our classes are divided by age, and we carefully control the number of children per class to ensure that they are all cared for and entertained. Our preschool programme follows the Namibian curriculum and engages inherent curiosity and love of play, while supporting children’s well-being all-round. We also form part of the Curro school group, teaching takes place in English and Afrikaans, and we have an early drop-off time.

Contact us to arrange a tour!