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Quality education for future leaders

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Meridian Schools

Meridian Schools provide learners across the country with high quality education that prepares them for the NSC examinations at the end of Grade 12. They accommodate learners from Grade R to Grade 12, with some also having a preschool phase for children from 3 months to 5 years. With an enhanced curriculum, focused subjects and targeted sports and cultural activities, these schools empower learners with the skills and knowledge to reach their future dreams, whatever these might be.  

Meridian Schools are managed by Curro as part of a joint venture with Old Mutual and the Public Investment Corporation.  


Learners gain quality education  

As part of Curro, Meridian Schools support the importance of a good education. However, they emphasise the well-rounded development of the learner, rather than having a purely academic approach. By engaging in our approach and activities, learners gain the 21st-century skills and knowledge needed to give them a head start in life and become the leaders of the future. At some of our schools, learners even use tablets in class rather than textbooks, or have the option to use both. 


We use tablets in class  

At some of Curro’s Meridian Schools, learners benefit from future-focused learning by using tablets in class rather than textbooks – or as an additional tool to support research and collaboration among learners. By using such technology in class, learners at Curro gain 21st-century skills and the ability to apply technological tools that are likely to be used in the workplaces they will enter after their studies.  


Do you want to know more? 

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Quick Facts

NSC examinations (Grade 12)

Focused activities and subjects

Well-maintained facilities